Lazovic: Opposition forced SNS to indefinitely suspend Parliament session

Thanks to the decisive action of all opposition MPs on Tuesday, we managed to interrupt the Serbian Parliament constitutive session and the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) had to suspend it for an indefinite period, Radomir Lazovic who tops the opposition Serbia Against Violence (SPN) ticket told N1.

06. 02. 2024.|

Lazovic to attend EP session: I expect them to call for rerun of Serbian elections

MP of the opposition Green-Left Front Radomir Lazovic said that, in its resolution on the Serbian elections, he expects the European Parliament (EP) to voice its position that elections must be repeated at all levels in Serbia, especially in Belgrade, where the opposition was robbed of its clear victory.

05. 02. 2024.|

We Demand Responsibility and Restraint in Solving the Crisis in the North of Kosovo

We call for responsibility and restraint in solving the crisis in the north of Kosovo, in the Banjska monastery, so that the conflict does not escalate or lead to a new tragedy. We condemn provocations and violence from any side, and demand a thorough investigation.

24. 09. 2023.|

Setting the Community of Serb Municipalities and membership in the EU as necessary first step towards the reconciliation of the two peoples

It is a real tragedy of our society that the same people who led

03. 03. 2023.|

Veselinović: We did not hear any answers to the burning questions in the city assembly, Šapić is only the tip of the iceberg

Dobrica Veselinović, head of the opposition group "Ne davimo Beograd - Moramo", said that

01. 12. 2022.|

Robert Kozma: The main culprit for Serbia’s backsliding on its path to EU is SNS

The main culprit for the additional slowdown, and essentially the setback in European integration, and the obstacle to Serbia's entry into the European Union is the ruling regime of the Serbian Progressive Party, regardless of the very difficult geopolitical situation in which the whole of Europe found itself.

13. 10. 2022.|
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