MP of the opposition Green-Left Front Radomir Lazovic said that, in its resolution on the Serbian elections, he expects the European Parliament (EP) to voice its position that elections must be repeated at all levels in Serbia, especially in Belgrade, where the opposition was robbed of its clear victory.
The opposition Serbia Against Violence (SPN) coalition that the Green-Left is a member of has been invited by the European Parliament to attend its February 8 session in Strasbourg when MEPs are to debate the situation in Serbia following the December 17 elections and vote on a Resolution.
Lazovic, who will be attending the EP session, said that the Resolution that will be put to vote needs to state the position that an independent international commission needs to be set up, which should guarantee an “investigation into the electoral fraud,” as well as a change of the electoral conditions in Serbia.
“We have no illusions that the institutions directly controlled by the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) will pass just decisions, but we are fighting for them to do their job in line with the law and we have done everything on our part, we have submitted complaints, objections, filed lawsuits,” Lazovic told an interview with the daily Nova.
He said it would have been better if the Serbian Parliament constitutive session had been scheduled for after the EP session at which the MEPs are to vote on the Resolution on Serbian elections.
“I believe that this crisis is so big that the ministries, the police, the local self-governments, the SNS activists were all involved in the electoral engineering, and that it is impossible to cover all this up,” said Lazovic.
Pročitaj i ovo:
Generalštab mora ostati kulturno dobro – Podneta inicijativa Ustavnom sudu
Narodni poslanici iz šest opozicionih poslaničkih grupa, podneli su Ustavnom sudu predlog za ocenu ustavnosti i zakonitosti odluke Vlade kojom je 14. novembra 2024. zgradama Generalštaba oduzet status kulturnog dobra.
Lazović: Pred nama je borba na svim frontovima u tri ključna pravca
Neka ovo bude godina međusobnog povezivanja različitih društvenih grupa u zajedničku borbu, po ugledu na solidarnost kojom su odisale studentske blokade i po ugledu na podršku kojom su građani odgovorili ovom autentičnom kriku mladih ljudi za slobodu. Nema uzmicanja.
Zeleno-levi front osuđuje igranje sa dostojanstvom prosvetnih radnika Vučevića i Vučića
Premijer Vučević i predsednik Vučić u samo nekoliko dana pokušali su izrežiranim, naizgled suprotstavljenim izjavama u maniru koncepta “dobar-loš policajac” da još jednom izmanipulišu prosvetne radnike, umanje značaj njihove borbe za bolje uslove rada i obesmisle podršku srednjoškolcima, studentima i mladima.