Aleksandra Bulatović: Problem buke potcenjen, posledice ozbiljne

Autorski tekst Aleksandre Bulatović u kome detaljno objašnjava šta je to buka i kako ona deluje na naše zdravlje. Savremena tehnička i medicinska naučna istraživanja potvrdila su da buka nije ništa manje škodljiva od vidljivo zagađenog vazduha, pa se ona zato i definiše kao nevidljivo aerozagađenje. Pošto buka ne utiče samo na naše čulo sluha, već i sistemski narušava zdravlje, izazivajući razne bolesti i simptome opravdano je reći da je buka ne samo nevidljivi mučitelj već i nevidljivi ubica.

24. 10. 2021.|

Kozma za Danas: U Nemačkoj sazreva stav da nedemokratski režimi ne mogu biti faktor stabilnosti

Potpredsednica Nemačkog parlamenta, Klaudija Rot, posetila je Srbiju povodom obeležavanja 80. godišnjice masakra u Kragujevcu i Kraljevu. Njena poseta bila je prilika i da se sastanemo i razgovaramo i o trenutnoj političkoj situaciji i budućnosti zelenih politika u Srbiji, Nemačkoj i Evropi. O utiscima sa sastanka, za dnevni list Danas, govorio je Robert Kozma.

23. 10. 2021.|

The road towards victory – proposal by Ne davimo Beograd and Zajedno za Srbiju for cooperation between opposition organizations

At the press conference, Ne davimo Beograd movement and Zajedno za Srbiju presented the proposal for cooperation between opposition parties and organizations, called The Road towards Victory.

20. 10. 2021.|

Progressive party activists tried to prevent film screening and Ne davimo Beograd event

On October 2nd, activists from the Serbian Progressive Party tried to sabotage the holding of a neighborhood discussion and film screening in Karaburma, organized by Ne davimo Beograd (Don’t Let Belgrade (D)rown). The Progressives, in their well-known style, set up their own stands at the same time and in the same place as our event. Although the public event was reported to the competent days in advance, and the police have an obligation to protect reported rallies, they refused to react to allow the event to take place without interference.

20. 10. 2021.|

Air pollution in Belgrade is highest five years in a row

After the Environmental Protection Agency published a report on the state of air quality in Serbia for 2020, it is obvious that there has been no progress in solving this problem over the last five years. Namely, for the fifth year in a row, the air quality in Belgrade is categorized in the worst, third category.

20. 10. 2021.|

Lazović: Vučić and Đukanović provide political cover for the most serious criminal acts

If the election conditions were ten times better than in 2012, we would not be holding an inter-party dialogue under the mediation of MEPs, Radomir Lazović from Ne davimo Beograd movement stated for Danas, responding to the claims made by the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, tonight at a special press conference.

20. 10. 2021.|

Wild accusations from pro-government media: They are blaming Ne davimo Beograd for the fire in Vinča!

The Ne davimo Beograd Movement has once again come under fire from regime tabloids for insisting on publishing accurate and timely information about the fire at the Vinča landfill. As incredible as it sounds, the Serbian Telegraph, Informer, Alo and TV Pink all published the news that the fire in Vinča was most likely an act of arson, and that the arsonists were none other than…Ne davimo Beograd and European Green Party MEP, Viola von Kramon, who is on a two-day visit to Belgrade!

20. 10. 2021.|
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