Dobrica Veselinović za Monitor: Pravi problemi i izazovi 21. veka su iznad nacionalnih podela

Mislim da je važno da se ljudima ponudi program i da što veći broj ljudi izađe na birališta, kad budu bolji uslovi i da izaberu u skladu sa svojim preferencijama. Da li je to tri, pet ili deset kolona, mislim da to nije važno.

14. 06. 2021.|

Građani ustali protiv izgradnje zgrada na mestu javnih površina na Karaburmi

Već pet dana građani Karaburme protestuju zbog planirane izgradnje saobraćajnica i kompleksa zgrada na javnim površinama. Novi objekti bi trebalo da zauzmu veliki deo školskog dvorišta, a moralo bi biti posečano čak 65 stabala drveća starog preko pedeset godina, što je kod građana izazvalo veliki bes.

14. 06. 2021.|

Pressures on Ne davimo Beograd and independent media in Serbia

The construction company Millennium Team is suing Ne davimo, asking for almost 100,000 € for material damages. These are supposedly caused by our publishing of a text on changes to the Belgrade urban plan. This change allows Millennium Team to demolish the Goša Institute for research and development and build a residential-business complex on the lot.

11. 06. 2021.|

The fifth anniversary of the Savamala demolition: Justice is slow but inevitable

Five years after the demolition in Herzegovačka Street, there can be no doubt that the state – that is – the criminals who kidnapped it, organized this criminal offence. Although the phantoms and the group that instructed them have not yet been charged with it, they failed in their attempt to cover it up.

11. 06. 2021.|

Robert Kozma for VOA: Election conditions still need to be improved

“We participate in these discussions because Serbia has an undemocratic regime. Unfortunately, the ruling government has transformed some form of democratic elections that had existed into an undemocratic hybrid regime. This has been assessed in several recent reports, such as Freedom House’s or the European Parliament’s. This is why we have these discussions, and not because we are asking for some political concessions. No, we only ask that citizens’ rights be respected”, Kozma said.

11. 06. 2021.|

Srećko Horvat za Danas: Ako iko u Srbiji može ponoviti sličan uspeh kao Možemo!, to je Ne davimo Beograd

U velikom intervjuu u dnevnom listu Danas, hrvatski filozof Srećko Horvat govorio je, između ostalog, i o sličnostima političke platforme Možemo! iz Zagreba i Ne davimo Beograd i ocenio da "Ako postoji itko u Srbiji tko može imati uspjeh kakav je Možemo! imao u Hrvatskoj, onda je to Ne davimo Beograd."

09. 06. 2021.|
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