Za vikend prikupljanje potpisa protiv nadziđivanja skloništa u Borči

U nedelju 20. decembra 2020. godine, od 10 da 14 časova, ispred objekta Maksi u Centru III, biće organizovano grupno potpisivanje primedbi/peticije protiv nadziđivanja naših skloništa i izgradnje novih stambenih i poslovnih kapaciteta u Borči.

18. 12. 2020.|

International support from the European Green party and Progressive International for Don’t Let Belgrade D(r)own

Progressive International and the European Green party congratulated Don’t Let Belgrade D(r)own for holding the electoral assembly on the day of Liberation of Belgrade during the Second World War. Two significant guests made an appearance during the assembly - the philosopher Srećko Horvat and the European Green party’s Thomas Waitz had a chance to address the attendees via a video message.

15. 12. 2020.|

New leadership elected on Annual Assembly 2020

The Electoral Assembly for Don’t Let Belgrade D(r)own was held on Belgrade Liberation Day, during which the plan for improvement of Belgrade was presented. New leadership was also elected tasked with developing the movement’s inner structure and expanding the membership, which has doubled this year alone. The membership elected Natalija Simović, Dobrica Veselinović, Radomir Lazović, Robert Kozma, and Biljana Đorđević for the Small committee, the main political body of the organization, during the Assembly.

15. 12. 2020.|

Don’t Let Belgrade D(r)own presented its plan for the liberation of Belgrade

Don’t Let Belgrade D(r)own held its first electoral Assembly on Belgrade Liberation Day, during which the plan for the improvement of Belgrade was presented. New leadership was also elected, tasked with developing the movement’s inner structure and expanding the membership, which has doubled this year alone.

15. 12. 2020.|

Bez javnosti na javnoj raspravi o Makišu

“Na današnjoj javnoj raspravi, gradska vlast je onemogućila javnost da učestvuje i iznese argumente koji upravo govore o tome da se ovim štetnim i protivzakonitim planom dovodi u opasnost pijaća voda svih građana Beograda. Grad Beograd je uskratio zakonom garantovana prava građanima da učestvuju u procesu donošenja odluka o planskim i urbanističkim aktima.” - izjavio je Dobrica Veselinović iz Ne davimo Beograd ispred Gradske uprave Grada Beograda, gde su policija i obezbeđenje onemogućili okupljene građane da učestvuju na raspravi.

15. 12. 2020.|

Vlast želi da bez javnosti održi javnu raspravu o gradnji na Makišu

Sekretarijat za urbanizam i građevinske poslove grada Beograda je 12. decembra objavio saopštenje i obavestio građane Beograda da im je Komisija za planove ukinula zakonom garantovana prava da učestvuju u procesu donošenja odluka o planskim i urbanističkim aktima.

15. 12. 2020.|
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