Environmental organisations reach an agreement on the joint fight against Rio Tinto project

At the meeting of environmental associations, movements and organisations from all over Serbia, an agreement was reached on joint action and taking the next steps in the fight against Rio Tinto and other harmful projects for the environment and the health of our citizens.

17. 01. 2022.|

Beograd i veći gradovi rekli NE režimu SNS-a na referendumu

Građani Beograda i drugih većih gradova rekli su na referendumu NE režimu Srpske napredne stranke i odbacili štetne promene Ustava. Beograd, Novi Sad, Niš i drugi gradovi su pokazali da ne pristaju na nove naprednjačke manipulacije i uništavanje demokratije u našem društvu.

17. 01. 2022.|

The Regime wants to Sneak Tectonic Constitutional Changes by without Debate

The proposed Law on Referenda and People's Initiative was entered into parliamentary procedure without adequate public debate, and the government intends to propose changes to the Constitution immediately after its adoption. This way of changing the Constitution could help Aleksandar Vučić increase the number of times he could serve as President of Serbia in the near future, but also paves the way for manipulations with harmful projects such as Rio Tinto. In addition, the expert public warns that referenda on such solutions will make abuse of power easier on various fronts.

17. 01. 2022.|

Serbia Must not be a Slave-Labour Country

Representatives of the the Don’t Let Belgrade Drown Movement and the political platform Solidarity requested that the Ministries of Labor and Interior and the Prosecutor's Office immediately investigate the treatment of workers and indications of human trafficking at the Linglong factory in Zrenjanin reported by media outlets and civil society organizations.

17. 01. 2022.|

Don’t Let Belgrade Drown is Taking Part in a Meeting of the Green Balkan Network in Montenegro

This event is also a meeting of the first "Green Balkan Network", where representatives of the Don’t Let Belgrade Drown Movement will have the opportunity to share their experience and discuss improving cooperation with relevant representatives of green policies from our region and Europe.

17. 01. 2022.|

Trial in Milenijum Tim’s Lawsuit against Don’t Let Belgrade Drown Begins

According to the lawsuit, Don’t Let Belgrade Drown caused material damage to Milenijum Team by reducing the value of the company's trademark in the amount of 100 thousand euros, which is the amount the company is seeking in damages. The immediate reason for these claims by the company contracted to build Belgrade Waterfront, and numerous other state projects, is the publication of a text on changing the urban plan which allows this company to demolish the Goša Research and Development Institute and build a residential and business complex on the site.

17. 01. 2022.|

Robert Kozma za Danas: SNS drži na lageru plejadu opskurnih desničarskih organizacija

Srpska napredna stranka drži na lageru plejadu opskurnih desničarskih organizacija i partija, od Zavetnika, radikala, Levijatana, Miše Vacića i sličnih, kako bi po potrebi za njih glumili lažnu opozicionu ekstremnu desnicu i time, između ostalog, doprineli normalizaciji nasilja u Srbiji i zastrašivali građane koji se iskreno i sa razlogom protive politici Srpske napredne stranke.

14. 01. 2022.|
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