At the meeting of environmental associations, movements and organisations from all over Serbia, an agreement was reached on joint action and taking the next steps in the fight against Rio Tinto and other harmful projects for the environment and the health of our citizens.

Radomir Lazović and Robert Kozma attended the meeting in Gornji Milanovac on behalf of Ne davimo Beograd, as well as representatives of all SEOS member associations (Suboborska greda, Ne damo Jadar, Zaštitimo Dobrinju i okolinu, Eko brigada Jagodina, nEko brine za Levač, Za čist Kosjerić), Ekološki ustanak, Otvorena građanska platforma Akcija: (Mladi Milanovca, Možemo – Topola je naša, Lokalni front Valjevo, Unija treći Beograd, Nova snaga – Kragujevac), Odbranimo reke Stare planine, Eko straža, EKgO, Ekološki front Novi Sad, Pravo na vodu, Ne damo đedovinu, Marš sa Drine, Belorepan, Marks 21, TRN, Nevađani za Nevade and Eko Oko.

An agreement was reached on joint action and taking the next steps – blockades in Belgrade, Preljina, Peska, Loznica and the blockade of one border crossing on 14 January, as well as planned joint protests and blockades of other locations in Serbia in the coming period.

“The Ne Davimo Beograd Movement supports the struggle of the citizens of western Serbia, the people who will be most directly affected by the consequences of the implementation of the Rio Tinto project.” As before, we will support the maintenance of blockades in several places in Serbia.” – said Robert Kozma.

“The only way to permanently protect ourselves from harmful projects such as Rio Tinto is to change the progressive government and decide on the development of our country. Although the government has been shaken by the blockades and is showing signs of retreat, we believe that they will not give up on this project but will wait for the elections to end. That is why it is important that we do not give up the fight for a clean and healthy Serbia. ” – said Radomir Lazović.

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