Serbian opposition MP Radomir Lazovic told N1 that the ODIHR final report on the mid-December elections is exactly what the opposition expected.
He said that the group of opposition officials who were in Brussels with him received assurances from European Union officials that the European integration process will be stopped if the Serbian authorities fail to implement changes.
“This report is exactly what we expected and it is what the European Commission and other EU institutions assured us it would be,” he said speaking va video link from Paris. He added that the opposition is more than satisfied that the report reflects the latest and all previous elections.
According to Lazovic, EU officials feel that the international investigation has already started since they have been informed about everything that happened. “Our authorities can refuse to implement any changes but we have received assurances that the next thing we will be discussing is European integration really stopping… The authorities will have a hard time avoiding that,” he said.
The group of opposition officials is in Paris for meetings with French officials.
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