Serbia Against Violence (SPN) opposition officials are due to travel to Brussels for meetings with European Commission officials next week, the portal said on Tuesday.
It added that they will also go to Paris but could not confirm any meetings at top level.
Radomir Lazovic MP of SPN member the Green-Left Front said that they will meet MEPs and European Commission officials, adding that meetings are also planned at the French Foreign Ministry and MPs to discuss election conditions in Serbia.
“Now that the entire world has seen the election fraud in Serbia and after the European Parliament resolution was adopted, the focus of our struggle is on election conditions which means getting the electoral rolls in order, opening up the state TV (RTS) and implementing all OSCE/ODIHR and CRTA recommendations,” Lazovic said.
He said the SPN officials will request an independent expert investigation on the systemic violations of rule of law in Serbia, captured institutions and media.
“It’s important to say that this election fraud is not an isolated case but that our institutions have been systematically destroyed, the media abused and society devastated,” he said.
Pročitaj i ovo:
Obezbeđenje Skupštine dojavljuje Kuriru i Informeru sadržaj torbi poslanica i poslanika
Narodna skupština nalazi se u opsadnom stanju. U sali i holu nalazi se veliki broj policajaca u civilu, a značajno su pooštrene i bezbednosne kontrole na ulazu u zgradu. Na ulazu se pretresaju torbe i odeća, pa i oduzimaju lični predmeti. Očigledno se radi o tome da je režim krivca za unošenje dimnih patrona prethodnih dana, video u službi obezbeđenja.
Lazović: Otpor u Skupštini je bio neophodan, možda jedinstvo opozicije ne postoji – ali postoji zajedništvo
Govoreći o nedavnim incidentima u Skupštini, Lazović navodi da smatraju da je „takav otpor bio neophodan“. „Mislite li da mi stvarno mislimo da tako treba da izgleda skupština? Sa druge strane, ne mislimo da 15 ljudi treba da strada bez odgovornosti.
Đorđević: Nećete rekonstruisanom SNS-SPS vladom rešiti tenzije u društvu
Komentarišući izjave predstavnika vlasti da prelazne vlade neće biti, narodna poslanica Biljana Đorđević (ZLF) kaže da neće ni biti rekontruisane vlade SNS-SPS, jer se njome neće rešiti tenzuje u društvu.