Thanks to the decisive action of all opposition MPs on Tuesday, we managed to interrupt the Serbian Parliament constitutive session and the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) had to suspend it for an indefinite period, Radomir Lazovic who tops the opposition Serbia Against Violence (SPN) ticket told N1.
“This is a great success of the opposition, since we demanded that this session be held after the adoption of the European Parliament resolution on electoral fraud,” said Lazovic.
The European Parliament (EP) has invited members of the opposition Serbia Against Violence coalition to attend its February 8 session in Strasbourg when MEPs are to discuss the situation in Serbia following the December 17 elections and vote on a Resolution.
“Together with my fellow MPs, I will be at that session in Strasbourg and I expect that the electoral fraud that the whole world witnessed will be clearly condemned and that concrete steps will be taken so that something like this never happens again,” he stressed.
The co-president of the Green—Left Front said the atmosphere in the Parliament on Tuesday was very tense.
“We were searched, they checked our bags and pockets, had us take off our coats, there was an entire police cordon in the parliament hall, only in plain clothes. This is what a thief caught stealing behaves like. They use force to protect their prey. Still, I believe that the power of decent citizens and the power of the truth are stronger and that we will win our struggle for a democratic and fair Serbia,” said Lazovic.
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